When you come to Eau Claire be it for a convention, sporting event or just to check out the many nearby attractions we want you to feel right at home. You want accommodations that fit your needs for the duration of your stay. There are plenty of hotels, motels, campgrounds, bed & breakfasts, or you can even try an Airbnb in the area if you want something a bit more homey. Whether you’re relaxing here for a couple of weeks or just need a place to lay your head for a couple of hours…we’ve got you covered.
Where to Stay in Eau Claire
Traditional Hotels
Traditional hotels can be found all over, where you will find the most amenities in your home away from home. Hotels are popular among business travelers because there is usually a business center where you can get some work done if needed. Plus, many of the area hotels include a free continental breakfast with your stay! The Lismore Hotel Eau Claire, a Double Tree property, is a beautiful boutique hotel featuring 112 well-appointed guestrooms. Adjacent to the convention center, this hotel is popular among business travelers looking for convenient accommodations in the heart of downtown. Walk to a number of restaurants and breweries, or dine in-house at the Lismore’s Informalist farm-to-table eatery. Just across the river, you’ll find the newly opened Oxbow Hotel that takes the coziness of a lodge and gives it a modern, hipster edge. If you like spending time outdoors, then this is the hotel for you! The property features an on-site outfitter where bikes, kayaks, skis, skates, and more are included in your stay.
Bed & Breakfasts
If you’re passing through and just need a place to lay your head down then a motel or a bed & breakfast might be just the thing. They are a little cheaper than your traditional hotel but don’t have some of the luxuries like spa services or a pool. However a clean, warm room and a hot breakfast might be exactly what you’re looking for. Eau Claire has plenty of both conveniently located. Try the Pleasant View B&B or the Antlers Motel; both are clean, cozy and they will make you feel like you’re at home.
If you’d prefer to spend a warm summer night sleeping under the stars, we’ve got you covered there too. You have choices between traditional camping where you pitch your tent or a place you can park your trailer. Try out the Pine Harbour Campground for your stay. This seasonal campground boasts free showers, a laundry facility, free WiFi, and an on-site general store.
Non-Traditional Accommodations
If you’re unfamiliar with Airbnb, here’s a quick crash course. Airbnb is a website where people can list either a room in their home or their whole home for rent, it has a booking system very similar to a hotel. This works for the travelers since you get all the amenities of a home and they are usually less expensive than a hotel. You can buy groceries, cook your own meals, and do all the things you would at home. Here’s a link for the area’s top Airbnb listings.
There are plenty of choices for accommodations when you come to visit Eau Claire, so come on over and enjoy the hospitality.